It's a love story, really. View our short video that tells our story.
We’re joining an existing mission team from All Nations. One thing we know for sure: we don’t want to go this alone. That’s why we’re joining a team of 4 long-term volunteers that have also trained with All Nations. They started working in Singanga village in Southern Province, Zambia in 2009. This village of ~150 people is right on the bank of the Zambezi river, 30 miles upstream from Victoria Falls. The team’s focus is church planting together with community development and orphan care. Personally, we envision ourselves as trainers who will train others in home health care, sanitation, and agriculture. When we train the nationals to be trainers, we enable a movement
We’ll be living in the village learning the language.
We’re committed to learning the local language. The best way to do that is to live with the people. So we’re buying a safari tent to live in the village. The tribal language spoken in this region is called Lozi. Language learning will be our priority in the first 2 years, and also our biggest challenge. Without knowing the language we will miss the mark. To really understand the culture requires listening to their stories in their language. We have lots to learn.
Current situation in Zambia. Zambia is one of the poorest nations, ranked 79th out of 103 developing nations behind Haiti (76th) and Kenya (75th) based on the WHO (2010). It also has one of the highest orphan rates in the world, largely due to AIDS. The average life expectancy has been reduced to 45 years. One out of 7 people are HIV positive, and that number increases to 1 out of 4 in the urban areas. 64% of the people live on less than $1.25 per day (Unicef, 2008). The poverty is even more pronounced in the rural areas.
Expenses and Contributions. First we want to say “Thank you”. Any support given for this cause is so appreciated. We pledge to be good stewards of your donations. Our assignment with All Nations is a volunteer position; for our internship we are covering our basic living expenses out of our savings. We estimate $4,000 in one-time start-up expenses to live in Africa. This includes a safari tent ($1200), construction of thatched roof frame for the tent ($500), portable tent furniture ($200), solar Panel and batteries ($300), water filter ($60), 2 mosquito nets ($40), GPS ($200), 2 mountain bikes ($400), basic medical supplies ($100), agricultural hand tools ($200), and irrigation treadle pump + piping + tank ($800).
Tax-deductible donations can be given to us through All Nations. 100% of the proceeds are directed to our account; be sure to include a post-it note with the check, indicating "Suggested donation for Thad and Mary May". Do not write our names anywhere on the check. All Nations is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization.
Make checks payable to All Nations, mailed to the following address:
All Nations
c/o Walsh Washburn LLC
5360 College Boulevard, Suite 100
Overland Park, KS 66211
Our shared email is